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Permanent hair straightening in Belgrade


Permanent hair straightening in Belgrade:

Permanent straightening treatment aimes to straighten and  improve hair  and also reduce the volume of broken, dry, curly, coarse or very thick hair.After this treatment hair will be smoooth,silky and will behave like naturally straight hair in many ways. Straightened hair will not  lose its form on a rainy day, will be easy to comb and will be very pleasant to touch.streightening-hair-belgrade

Permanent hair straightening in Belgrade:

After using GOLDWELL- STRAIGHT AND SHINE for over a decade in our salon ,and after so many satisfied straightened hair customers,we consider  this treatment to be the   europe number one treatment in terms of quality and efficiency.Protection system within in treatment ensures   that your hair will remain healthy and well conditioned weather it is colored or natural.However it is not recommended for very porous hair such as very light blond or bleached hair; also permanent hair straightening  is not recommended for hair with highlights -in those  cases keratin treatment is a good substitute.


Permanent hair straightening in Belgrade:

Procedure of permanent hair straightening is time consuming and takes in average from 3-5 hours depending on a hair length and density.

For those who do not dare to make such a drastic change as going from curly to straight hair ,straightening part of hair is possible solution (straightening fringes only makes a very nice change)


Permanent hair straightening in Belgrade:



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